Change Plates

KSh 1,950KSh 6,900 + VAT

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SKU: CP017 Categories: ,


Change Plates are designed for the purpose of covering every fraction of a KG, offering six weight increments from 0.5 kg up to 5 kg. With a 50.40 mm diameter collar opening, these quality plates are compatible with any standard Olympic barbell, and their Green/Yellow/Blue/Red/White color coding matches the IWF standard – creating a uniform look when loaded.

Each Metcon KG Change Plate has a bold matte finish and a exterior rubber coating for a solid grip on the bar and minimal noise or movement on the lift. Using the column on the right, you can order a pair of plates at any of the available weight increments, or add a complete 25KG set, featuring one pair of each increment.


0.5 kg, 1 kg, 1.5 kg, 2 kg, 2.5 kg, 5 kg